Monday, July 14, 2008

To Sequel or Not to Sequel?

Todd went to see Hellboy 2 yesterday. To be polite, I asked him how the movie was (even though its not one I'd want to see) & he replied, "It was alright." He sounded kind of ho-hum about it, so I asked him was it because it wasn't as good as the first one? Which got me thinking about that ongoing debate about if a sequel can ever be as good as the first movie.......I'd like to hear what others have to say on the topic. In general, I tend to say no, however, I'm not the biggest movie buff in the world so I am not an expert in this area. I tried to think of some examples of where the sequel was just as good, if not better. I came up with Back to the Future II & Terminator 2. Which led me to another question: if the sequel to a movie was just as good or better than the first one & they make a third one, can you think of an example where the third one met the same expectations? This one has me stumped. In my earlier example, I never saw Terminator 3 so I can't say (although that I'm inclined to think that if it was that good, I'd have seen it) & Back to the Future III was pretty good, but I think you could make a definite argument about how it compared to the first two. What other examples can you think of? (Oh, & by the way--Todd said he would not recommend Hellboy 2).


Anonymous said...

We like Toy Story 2 better than the first.

Anonymous said...

Terminator 3 was nowhere near as good as 2. The only thing 2 has on the original is special effects. Two was a better movie, in my opinion. I am also going to have to disagree with you on Back to the Future II. Yes, the hoover boards were cool, but the rest was corny. By rule, a squeal is never as good as the original, with one exception: Godfather II. The only sequel to win Best Picture.

Robyn said...

I believe going to see Back to the Future was the first time I was allowed on "Cousins Night Out." (We were in Jackson, MS)

Anonymous said...

I liked Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2, but I think they were pushing their lucky with Rush Hour 3. I left the theater feeling cheated. It was no where near as funny and even the action scenes were disappointing.

Robyn said...

I didn't even know there was a
Rush Hour 3!