I forgot to mention, there is something that Aleesha Mae enjoys as much as eating....swimming! Or anything water related for that matter (baths, sinks, flushing toilets). Today when Todd got home for work, we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Before we left, he got the pool all ready, so when we got back the pool was ready for the girls to dive in! Samaya needed a couple of reminders not to splash Aleesha Mae, & Aleesha needed a couple of reminders not to eat the grass, but otherwise everyone had a great time! (I think the picture of me w/ the girls does a good job of capturing the love between Samaya & Aleesha Mae. One of the joys of having a second child has been watching the interaction between the two of them. Samaya is such a great big sister! She has pretty much always found a way to work her way into our bed by the morning. So of course w/ Aleesha Mae I was pretty adamant about not letting her sleep in our bed to avoid the same battles we go through w/ Samaya. However, ever since we got back from Florida, Aleesha has not got back completely into her old sleep routine & I discovered that I could sneak in a couple of extra hours in the morning by bringing Aleesha to bed & nursing her back to sleep there. I was not sure what Samaya's reaction would be to this, because w/all the attention a new baby can get, being able to sleep in Mommy & Daddy's bed had remained one area that had not been affected. So, my heart was so happy this morning when Samaya woke up & the first thing she did was state, "I wanna come lay by Aleesha." I told her OK, & she climbed over me to go snuggle next to Aleesha, giving her a couple of kisses on the forehead along the way! And Aleesha just beams when she sees her big sissy! My hope is that they will always have this special closeness w/ each other).
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