Friday, July 11, 2008

Typical Day

Good Morning! It's Friday & I'm putting off running my errands, so I decided to make a post. Me & the girls are going grocery shopping today. It's a much needed trip since I haven't gone since before we left for Florida last week (more about that in a later post). Grocery shopping for me usually means stopping at two or three stores so I can take advantage of the sales & my coupons. Luckily I live w/in about a five mile radius to all of them. I also need to hit the bank. Then back home to do laundry (which has not been done since we got back from Florida earlier this week). I know, its a glamorous life! But in all honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything (well, maybe the laundry), because I forgot to mention the part where me, Samaya, & Aleesha Mae spent the morning cuddling in bed! Or the part where me & Aleesha Mae shared applesauce for breakfast. Or the part where Samaya & Aleesha Mae are currently chasing each other around the living room giggling up a storm! Speaking of giggling, I'd really better try to get out of the house while everyone is still in a good mood! Have a great day!


Aunt Betty said...

Hi Robyn, thanks for sharing your blog site with us. I think it is great! I really love the picture of the girls. What a great way to watch them grow up between visits. Thanks for the information on your dad's mission trip. Now we can feel a part of it.

Robyn said...

Thanks, Aunt Betty, & congratulations on being my first "comment!"

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed! Congratulations...
and thank you to Williams and Andrea for being your inspiration to get started. I'm looking forward to your future postings. Hopefully they will not be few and far between (smile).

Kiss the girls for you!