Saturday, July 12, 2008

Aleesha Mae is Nine Months Old!

Can you believe it? On the 5th she officially turned nine months & this past Thursday we went for her nine month check-up. She weighs 20lbs11oz which put her in the 75th percentile for weight (she was in the 95th percentile for height)! Guess she's gonna be tall like her sissy.
What a joy it has been watching her grow & learn & fall in love w/her big sister! Aleesha Mae at nine months old loves eating, crawling, pulling up, saying "dada", eating, clapping her hands (a trick she learned while we were in Florida), saying & waving "bye-bye", eating, laughing, playing w/ big sissy, playing the moroccos, oh-did I mention eating!


Anonymous said...

I was there for the first hand clap!

Anonymous said...

Boy, you are on a roll...I can't believe how many posts you have made. I was shocked when I checked the blog.

Love the pictures...Aleesha looks like she wants to start walking. I can't believe how fast she is growing. No wonder my arms were hurting(smile).

Samaya must get her fashion sense from her mother (just kidding).

Thanks for sharing...keep up the good work!

Grandpa said...

Just got back from Honduras and had a chance to look at the blog.
Robyn, it is teriffic. Thanks for investing the energy to do this. It really helps life come alive with the grand kids.