Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jazz & Rib Fest 08'

This past weekend we went to tha Jazz & Rib Festival held downtown on the Riverfront. Samaya enjoyed being downtown & taking in all the sights and sounds of the festival. She particularly loved wading in the fountain, playing in the children's play area, eating a chocolate ice cream cone, & the balloon the folks at the Smooth Jazz radio station gave her ("Everbody loves my balloon!" she reported to me). I enjoyed playing Wii fit at the Wii demo booth (followed by ice cream w/ Samaya). Todd enjoyed tickling the girls on our blanket under the tree. And Aleesha Mae enjoyed-you guessed it- the eating! She even tried to eat the Barack Obama sticker a volunteer had put on her dress (maybe she's a Republican?). Don't tell her she slept through the ice cream! And we all enjoyed just relaxing together as a family & listening to some great live jazz! I tried to put a slide show of our pix from the festival up on here, so hopefully you'll be able to check them out!


Anonymous said...

You are just getting all "techno"....I really enjoyed the slideshow. I'm very impressed (smile).

Anonymous said...

From the pictures, it looks like the whole fam had a great time!