Friday, July 11, 2008

My Dad's Honduras Trip

My dad left Monday on a mission trip w/ his church to Honduras. They will be building a church while they are there. The mission team has blog I thought folks might be interested in checking out. Of particular interest is the daily devotional they're doing each day which is included in the blog. I know they would appreciate your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us about the mission team's blog.

Anonymous said...

Momma and I just had a quick call from Daddy in Honduras. He is doing well, and they are accomplishing quite a bit as chronicled on their blog.

Since he taking most of the pictures, he is only in a few of them. I have requsted that he have them take some pictures of him and post them. We'll see...

Robyn said...

Yea-I was surprised when he turned up in the first batch of pix!