Well, my last post was December, 10th, so I just made it in under the "one-month wire! I wish I could tell you all that my New Year's Resolution was to blog more, but why place such unrealistic expectations on myself. I have decided, though, not to give up completely on blogging yet. So we'll see what happens in 2009. I should warn you , though, now that I am on Facebook, I may never make it back to blog again. When an acquaintance first told me about Facebook, I looked at them cluelessly & no matter how many times she tried to explain it to me, I still could not see the point. Well, after having been on there now, for a little over month I think I am officially addicted. I don't spend much time on the computer as it is, so now when I do get on the computer, I have to make sure to update my status & check the status of all my friends. And don't even get me started on Flair! The other day I actually reconnected with a girl who lived around the corner from me in MN--we were in Brownies & Girl Scouts together! So, I guess Ican say that I get Facebook now.
On the family front, as you can see, my little Diva is still setting the trends for the hottest looks in preschools everywhere! She now also does this thing where she has to change when we have company ("But mommy, I need to put on a dress!" "Samaya, you already have on a dress." "But I need to put on a fancy dress!") And what can I say about Aleesha Mae, but BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! She is 15 months old now & will try to climb anything (I'm thinking about having her DNA tested to see if she has monkey in her). Her communication skills are amazing--she will definitely let you know what she does & does not want.