Thursday, November 6, 2008

Need to post!

I need to get over my need to have pix to go on every post, which has resulted in me not blogging in a month. Anyway, just wanted to give everyone a quick update on whats been going on in our world (other then BARACK OBAMA BEING ELECTED PRESIDENT!!!!!) The girls spent two weeks in California w/ grandma, grandpa, & Aunt Melanie. I then went out to pick them up &b spent a week out there myself. We just got back Tues. afternoon (ELECTION DAY!!!!) & we still are trying to catch our bearings (& unpack). Not to mention trying to get the girls back on Eastern time (& daylights savings) & break Aleesha Mae into the harsh reality that Grandpa is no longer around to rock her to sleep every night! You would think that with two weeks of no children I would have had time to update my blog, right? Anyway, Todd & I were somewhat productive & (w/ a lot of help from his brother & sister-in-law) painted our family room & put down new flooring. Maybe I will get pix up before Christmas, but don't hold your breath. I'll also try to get up some pix of the girls from CA.
Did everyone get to witness Barack Obama's acceptance speech? Talk about a moment in time! I think that no matter who you voted for, you have to feel a sense of pride about the historic results of the election and how much it says about where this country has come. I cannot describe how it makes me feel to know that the girls are going to grow up seeing the Obamas in the White House.......

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