Well, I could not think of one good reason to tell Samaya, no, when she asked to wear the sparkly purple dress she saw hanging in her closet. So that is what she wore today to go to the doctor to get her flu shot (mist) & to the grocery store. In a way, it kind of worked out because Todd's dad had a doctor's appt. in Columbus today & came over afterward to have dinner with us. So he got to see Samaya all dressed-up. Not to mention, my mom loves to buy the girls dresses, which is great because whenever we a have to go somewhere that requires us to dress-up, I can usually just pull a dress out of their closets. But unfortunately, they often only get to wear each dress one time before they outgrow it. So actually, Samaya may be on to something here! Sometimes it is hard to step back & put myself in her shoes, especially when I already have an outfit set in my mind. But it is so fun to watch her develop her own sense of style & see what her likes are. I hope I can remember to try to go with the flow as she continues to express her budding sense of fashion. Who knows, maybe she will make formal attire all the rage among preschoolers this year!
At least she matches. I'm afraid to let Moriah do her own hair and pick out her clothes. It's scary.
At least she didn't ask to wear her "Princess" high heel shoes. I am pretty sure I have video of her strutting around in them, and proclaiming that she was a fashion model.
They both look adorable!
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