Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth!

I've been catching some slack from some people (Melanie) for my lack of posts lately, so here I am. The problem is, I always like having pictures to add to my posts & when we get busy, I tend to slack about uploading pix from my camera. Anyway, here is my no-pix-post! (Hopefully I'll have some up soon). To update you on our family, the rumors are true--Aleesha Mae is walking!!!! A day after she turned 10-months old her child care provider said she took six steps at her house, but we we couldn't get her to show us at home. A day later, the same thing--eight steps at Ms. Shalonda's house. Still nothing at home. But that weekend (three weekends ago) lo & behold Aleesha took some steps at home! The next weekend we were in Cleveland for my sister-in-law's daughter's baby shower & Aleesha started taking more steps (w/out us having to beg, bribe, & otherwise try to coax her). And last week she decided that walking is her preferred method of getting around & started walking all over the place! And lastly, this past weekend she overcame her biggest walking obstacle--the fact that she still could not pull herself up to standing, which met that if she wasn't near a piece of furniture to pull-up on she had to crawl to one & then walk. But something clicked & she figured out out to pull that body up off the ground & now there is no stopping her! It is truly amazing to watch her developmental milestones unfold before our eyes! On a totally unrelated topic,I hope everyone had the opportunity to see Michelle Obama speak last night at the Democratic National Convention. I was completely moved listening to her & feel like the story she shared about how her parent's love & hard work molded her into the woman she is so much like the story of so many people in my family. When they showed her mother in the crowd, you could literally see the pride & love in her. As a wife, mother, & daughter I felt like I could relate. Please take a moment to check out my cousin Kyllan's post on "Cody Report" (link to the left) for more about Michelle Obama.


Anonymous said...

Robyn, I had already left a comment on The Cody Report blog before reading your blog. I think it is so interesting that we picked up the same thing about Michelle's mother. Our comments are so similar, I think we must be related.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! How exciting that Alesha is walking!!

Anonymous said...

... I was beginning to wonder if you gave up on blogging.

I can't believe Alesha is already walking!