Monday, July 13, 2009

Honduras Update

Oops--I accidentally posted a link to their blog from 2007. I think I have the current link under my blog list now. (I never cease to be amazed with my IT genius!) Anyway, if you have a chance, check it out. They have posted pix of the work they are doing building a church. They are also conducting Vacation Bible School while they are there. It's amazing to see the pix of everyone working so faithfully to complete this church. It's also interesting to read the stories about how the people in the community & the people from my dad's church come together despite language barriers for their common goal. God is truly amazing! (On a side note, please keep my dad in your prayers as he was not feeling well when he left & will be doing such physically challenging work while he is there).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is this still considered a blog?

If any of you are still out there, first of all I want to say sorry that my blog has officially become a bust (and with the recent crashing of our computer, internet problems, & broken didgital camera any chance of revamping of the blog anytime soon is looking slim). But I did want to let everyone know that my dad left for his annual mission trip to Honduras yesterday and you can follow their trip at . It is always fascinating to follow the work the team does while they are there.