So it looks like the last time I made a post was 11/12, so by getting this up here today at least its not a whole month in between posts! Somehow I feel like I've been playing catch-up ever since I went to California in late October. And we went to South Carolina for Thanksgiving, so of course I'm still trying to catch-up from that trip. Which will take me right through the holidays....I guess at this rate, maybe I'll be back on track by Groundhog's Day! Anyway, this past weekend I was sick (Strep Throat for the second time in a month) & spent most of Sunday laying on the couch. Todd was busy cleaning and enlisted "Little Missy I", & "Little Missy II" to help him with some of the chores! (If anyone is interested, they are available for parties, for a reasonable rate of course and management is not responsible for any broken items). I should note that the dress Samaya is wearing was a souvenir brought back for her from my Dad's mission trip to Honduras last July. She had been asking to wear it all week & had a hard time understanding the concept of "too cold outside," so she was thrilled that I finally agreed to let her wear it in the house all day!