It's been forever since I blogged--hopefully my old readers will find this! Anyway, on October 5 Aleesha turned one! We celebrated with a party in Todd's hometown, Fostoria, OH. Aleesha had a ball eating hot dogs, pasta salad, & of course--CAKE!!! She could've cared less about the presents, but loved going after the candy from the pinata. Aleesha at one is in a word--BUSY! She loves exploring & is into everything. She also loves following around her big sissy, drinking from a sippy cup (especially Samaya's, which she loves to grab & run out of the room), blowing kisses, & throwing herself on the floor when you tell her, "no." I cannot believe that it has been a year already! I can still remember my labor & delivery vividly (after having an emergency c-section w/ Samaya, being able to deliver Aleesha vaginally was one of my proudest moments. And having Todd coach me through labor was such a bonding experience for us). What a joy it is to watch Aleesha Mae grow each day. She has been such a special addition to our family!